Diagnosis of Joel Carlos Borges Street

Rua Joel Carlos Borges, in São Paulo, is the first street, among the 11 cities of the National Network for Low Carbon Mobility (Rede Nacional para a Mobilidade de Baixo Carbono), to be implemented.  It resulted from a partnership project between WRI Brasil and the National Front of Mayors (Frente Nacional de Prefeitos – FNP), with support from the Instituto Clima e Sociedade (iCS). The idea of requalification began in 2014 with the launch of the 3 Stations Competition, organized by WRI Brasil in partnership with USP Cidades, which invited architects and urban designers to develop ideas to qualify the surroundings of three train stations in São Paulo: Berrini, Vila Olímpia and Santo Amaro. Urb-iI developed the winning proposal for the Berrini surroundings, and part of it was implemented within the program of the National Network for Low Carbon Mobility.

The research, carried out by Cidade Ativa, aimed at collecting quantitative and qualitative data from Rua Joel Carlos Borges and Rua Gomes de Carvalho, at the exit of Vila Olímpia station, used as a research control location. It included pedestrian and vehicular counts; stationary activity mapping (people’s behaviour on a specific space) and evaluation of sensory criteria related to the pedestrian experience. In addition, graphics, diagrams and drawings summarized main information for easier visualization analysis.

Comparison between collected data and the survey carried out in April 2014 allowed the team to evaluate the impact of the implemented actions on Rua Joel Carlos Borges and also to guide project guidelines for future actions on the street. The analysis of pedestrian counts and infrastructure conditions revealed that the intervention ensured an adequate space for pedestrian crossing , unlike the scenario in 2014. However, there is a high number of people walking on the road, next to motor vehicles, indicating that this space should be dedicated exclusively for pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles, allowing restricted access for motor vehicles.